The data sources for the statistical analysis process are vital statistics, which are intended as a set of incidents and events that affect human beings from birth to death.
Data relating to biostatistics are obtained in accordance with the State's special laws. Among the most important types of vital statistics are:
- Birth statistics:
Data on births are obtained from specialized bodies such as the Civil Registry, which requires citizens to register and report each new birth. There is a difference between live and dead births:
Live birth: Every child shows any sign of life after separation from his mother, even if he dies immediately thereafter.
Stillbirth: He is a stillborn child after the sixth month of pregnancy, whether the death occurred before or during the delivery process. After complete separation, the fetus has not shown any signs of life.
Second: Fertility:
Women's reproductive capacity is meant and fertility is measured by the number of children born by a female during the period of childbirth between the ages of 15 and 45 or depending on the circumstances of society. We note that the testometer is linked to the female because the female who carries the foetus and fertility is defined between puberty and despair and thus facilitates the measurement process. There are some factors influencing the specificity, including the following:
The spread of wars, diseases and epidemics.
The degree of cultural progress that is usually accompanied by a decrease in fertility rates due to the prevalence of entertainment.
Economic and social factors negatively and positively affect fertility.
Third: Death statistics:
There are several factors affecting deaths, including:
War has caused an increase in death statistics due to murder and malnutrition.
Sex, where male death is higher than female, is due to biological factors because a male newborn is less tolerant of life conditions than a female.
Health and civilizational progress reduce death.
Fourth: Health statistics:
Death rates are considered a prime example of a country's level of civilization. The lower the mortality rates, the more advanced the country is considered to be. The most significant indicators of health levels are those related to child and maternal mortality rates, as well as mortality rates associated with specific causes such as epidemics or viruses.
Fifth: Disease statistics:
One of the statistics of interest to medical workers, especially medical research and analysis of the health situation in society, is the subject of disease statistics