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أحدث المقالات

Research proposal Vs Research Report

2023/03/11   الكاتب : د. يحيى سعد Research proposal Vs Research Report The key difference between report and proposal is that report is a short, concise, and precise document with a specific purpose to be presented to an audience, whereas proposal is a plan or an idea, especially in written form, to be suggested for the consideration of others
التفاصيل عدد المشاهدات (2972)

How to identify research Gap?

2023/02/11   الكاتب : د. بدر الغامدي Research gaps are areas of research that have not been adequately explored or studied. Identifying research gaps is an important part of the research process
التفاصيل عدد المشاهدات (1303)

Tips for discussion chapter in your thesis

2023/02/11   الكاتب : د. يحيى سعد Writing a discussion chapter for your thesis can be one of the most challenging parts of the entire process. It requires you to draw conclusions from your research and present them in a meaningful way.
التفاصيل عدد المشاهدات (848)

learning poverty

2023/02/11   الكاتب : د. ريم الأنصاري Learning poverty is a growing problem in many countries around the world. It is defined as the inability of children to acquire basic skills and knowledge necessary for their development.
التفاصيل عدد المشاهدات (895)

How to launch effective digital compaign in snap

2023/02/11   الكاتب : د. بدر الغامدي How to launch effective digital compaign in snap
التفاصيل عدد المشاهدات (860)

How to create effective marketing strategy with steps and examples

2023/02/11   الكاتب : د. بدر الغامدي The first step in creating an effective marketing strategy is to set clear goals and objectives. These should be specific
التفاصيل عدد المشاهدات (1047)

How to create a plan for growth according to pumpkin plan book with examples

2023/02/11   الكاتب : د. يحيى سعد How to create a plan for growth according to pumpkin plan book with examples
التفاصيل عدد المشاهدات (849)

leadership skills vs management styles

2023/02/02   الكاتب : د. طارق العفيفي Leadership skills and management styles are two distinct concepts that are often confused. While they both involve the ability to motivate and direct people, there are important differences between them.
التفاصيل عدد المشاهدات (1041)

business development techniques

2023/02/02   الكاتب : د. ريم الأنصاري Business development is an important part of any successful business. It involves creating and implementing strategies to increase sales, expand market share, and build customer loyalty.
التفاصيل عدد المشاهدات (856)

advices to master students

2023/02/01   الكاتب : د. طارق العفيفي advices to master students As a master student, you are likely to be feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future
التفاصيل عدد المشاهدات (808)


أحدث المقالات

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