طلب خدمة


عدد المشاهدات(590)







The study aims to identify children's uses of social media and its relationship to their cultural identity, and this study is considered one of the descriptive studies that used the media survey method, by scanning a random sample of middle school children aged (13- 15) years of Egyptian public and private school students, male and female., in the period of time from (1/ 11/ 2020) to (11/ 30/ 2020). The concept of identity among the respondents came as follows in the first order identity is "belonging and patriotism" 77.33%, while came "history and heritage" by 76.67%, and "customs and traditions" with 66.67%, and "language", at 65.33%, the language used was franco Arab 61%, followed by colloquial, the dangers of social media on the cultural identity came from the respondents view (disintegrating society, spreading discord and spreading violence- negligence about customs and traditions- weak language and gradually forgetting it- a decrease in the belonging and patriotism due to integration with western culture- spreading sexual advertisements and vice that violates values and traditions), the respondents' uses of social networking sites came in order (entertainment, entertainment and playing games- to keep in touch with friends from my country and from other countries- shopping and knowing new in fashion world- providing me with various information), the entertainment content came at the forefront of the content published by the sample of the analytical study, followed by the sports content, the artistic content, then the health content, and responses to agreeing to the expressions of the cultural identity scale came as follows: (I am proud to be Egyptian and proud of the history of my country- I am proud of the flag of my country- it is necessary to adhere to the national unity regardless of the differences). (Published abstract)




وفي الختام يمكنكم تحميل النص الكامل للبحث من خلال الضغط: تحميل النص الكامل



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