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Differences between theoretical and conceptual framework

2023/02/01   الكاتب :د. طارق العفيفي
عدد المشاهدات(1443)

What is the difference between a theory and a concept?

Theoretical and conceptual frameworks are two important components of research. They provide the foundation for understanding the research problem and how to approach it. While both are important, there are some key differences between them that should be understood.

Is There a Conceptual Difference between Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks?

A theoretical framework is a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that guide a researcher’s thinking about a particular topic. It provides the basis for understanding the research problem and how to approach it. Theoretical frameworks are often based on existing theories or models from other disciplines or fields of study. They provide a way of organizing information and making sense of it in order to answer questions or solve problems.

A conceptual framework is an analytical tool used to make explicit the assumptions underlying a particular research project. It is used to identify relationships between different variables and concepts, as well as to explain how these relationships work together to produce certain outcomes. Conceptual frameworks can be used to develop hypotheses or test theories about how certain phenomena work in the real world.

Theoretical Framework vs. Conceptual Framework: What's the Difference and How to Use Them

The main difference between theoretical and conceptual frameworks is that theoretical frameworks provide an overarching structure for understanding a research problem, while conceptual frameworks focus on specific relationships between variables or concepts within that structure. Theoretical frameworks provide an overall picture of how different elements interact with each other, while conceptual frameworks focus on specific aspects of those interactions. Additionally, theoretical frameworks tend to be more abstract than conceptual ones; they are often based on existing theories or models from other disciplines or fields of study, while conceptual frameworks tend to be more concrete and specific to the particular research project at hand. 


In conclusion, both theoretical and conceptual frameworks are important components of research projects; however, they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics that should be taken into account when designing a research project. Understanding these differences can help researchers better understand their own projects and ensure they use the right tools for their particular needs.




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