طلب خدمة


Research proposal Vs Research Report

2023/03/11   الكاتب :د. يحيى سعد
عدد المشاهدات(2728)





Research Proposal:


A research proposal is a document that outlines the research project's objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. It is a preliminary document that is submitted to a funding agency or an academic institution to seek approval for the research project. The proposal should include a clear statement of the problem, research questions or hypotheses, literature review, methodology, data analysis plan, and expected outcomes.


Research Report:


A research report is a document that presents the findings of a completed research project. It includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. The report should be written in a clear and concise manner and should provide sufficient detail to enable readers to understand the research project's objectives and findings. The report should also include recommendations for future research based on the study's findings.


The main difference between a research proposal and a research report is that the former outlines the proposed study while the latter presents the completed study's findings. A proposal seeks approval for conducting research while a report presents the results of already conducted research.



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