طلب خدمة


The Practice of Qualitative Data Analysis Research Examples Using MAXQDA

2021/05/12   الكاتب :د. محمد الفيفي
عدد المشاهدات(1052)

The Practice of Qualitative Data Analysis Research Examples Using MAXQDA


MAXQDA is a powerful tool for qualitative and mixed methods research. The research community that uses MAXQDA spans the globe. This book brings together examples of the diverse types of research that MAXQDA can be used for. While researchers have access to a detailed user manual, multiple books that provide in-depth background about the soft[1]ware’s functionality, and an active research blog, this book fills in a missing gap—providing case studies with concise real-world examples from different disciplines and using different methods of how MAXQDA is used in practice. The book illustrates more than 28 MAXQDA features and showcases how MAXQDA can be effectively used. Each case study provides a brief overview of the research topic being explored, the methodological approach, and a detailed description of how MAXQDA was used to conduct the research. The case studies focus on the usage of MAXQDA, and not the substantive research outcomes, and they answer a variety of practical questions for the reader, such as how the coding system was developed, how coded documents were analyzed, what tools were used, and how those tools informed the results. Each chapter is intended to be used by researchers as a resource when approaching new projects. The book was inspired by the excellent research posters that have been presented at the MAXQDA International Conference in Berlin from 2017 to 2020 (confer[1]ence.maxqda.com), as well as the numerous research blog posts on the MAXQDA website (maxqda.com/blog). The examples do not replace detailed user manuals or textbooks but provide the researcher with concrete examples that they can draw insights from in crafting their own research. The book covers different methodologies, data types, and tools, including thematic analysis, qualitative content analysis, ethnography, and grounded theory, process-generated historical research, typology building, and more. The book is not comprehensive in covering every qualitative method used by scholars, nor is it intended to be a text to replace many of the books that give an overview of and describe several research methods (e.g., Creswell & Poth, 2018; Flick, 2014). This book, instead, is meant to provide real-world examples from research in a variety of disciplines and approaches, that are conducted almost entirely with MAXQDA


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