طلب خدمة


How the Covid-19 pandemic is changing education A perspective from Saudi Arabia

2021/05/11   الكاتب :د. ريم الأنصاري
عدد المشاهدات(853)

How the Covid-19 pandemic is changing education A perspective from Saudi Arabia


The Covid-19 pandemic has led to school closures around the world. This paper focuses on Saudi Arabia and draws on comparative international data to explore how well the country was prepared to deal with the educational consequences of the virus and how it has dealt with school closures. The analysis draws on 2018 OECD international surveys of school principals (TALIS), school students (PISA) and the second OECD-Harvard questionnaire on educational responses to Covid-19 completed by senior government officials in 36 countries (April/May 2020). All three surveys have been completed in Saudi Arabia (with the OECD-Harvard questionnaire returned on June 15th). In this paper, national results from Saudi Arabia are compared to those from OECD and non-OECD countries. Preparedness for school closures the pandemic required teachers to work in new ways, teaching online and adapting teaching styles to a locked down world. Teachers in Saudi Arabia are more engaged with information and communication technologies (ICT) than is usual across the OECD: they are more likely to engage with ICT within teacher training and professional development and more likely to make use of ICT within teaching and learning. Principals feel that schools largely enable the use of digital devices with lessons, but are deeply concerned that poor levels of internet capacity compromise their ability to make full use of online resources. Educationalists in Saudi Arabia are more likely to recognize the value of ICT in teaching and want to use it more.

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معروف المركز السعودي للأعمال المرصد العربي للترجمة المنظمة العربية للتربية والثقافة والعلوم هيئة الأدب والنشر والترجمة

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