What do we mean by research? How do we identify good research questions? How do we answer them? These sorts of questions are not always easy to answer, but we anticipate that by the end of this book, you will be in a better position to think about them. The book is practical in nature, aimed at those who are involved in second language studies, second/foreign language instruction, and researcher training, and in it, we aim to demystify the research process. A useful defnition of research can be found in online dictionaries. For example, dictionary.com defnes research as “diligent and systematic inquiry into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, applications, etc.” (Dictionary.com, n.d.). Thus, in its most basic and simplest form, research is a way of fnding out answers to questions. This defnition is useful because it also hints at ethical issues (to be discussed below) in its use of the word “diligent.” We are all involved in research every day. Let’s think about a situation that probably occurs as part of many of our lives: being stuck in a traffc jam. As we fnd ourselves not moving on a freeway, we ask why this has happened and come up with a hypothesis (because there is an accident ahead, for example, or because it is 5:00 p.m. on a Friday afternoon). We then seek verifcation of our hypothesis by waiting patiently (or impatiently) until the traffc starts moving again. If we see an accident, hear a radio report, look at live traffc on our GPS, or if we see the fashing lights of an emergency vehicle, we might be able to confrm or reject our hypothesis. In the absence of an accident, we might conclude that it must be typical rush hour traffc. In other words, every day we ask questions, come up with hypotheses, and seek confrmation of those hypotheses. Research is not something to be wary of; it is not something that is done only in laboratories or controlled conditions. It is something that we do on a small or large scale every day. We can pose and (hopefully) answer questions of theoretical signifcance
وفي الختام يمكنكم تحميل النص الكامل للبحث من خلال الضغط: تحميل النص الكامل
نرجو من الله أن يجعل هذا المقال مفيداً لجميع الباحثين وطلاب الدراسات العليا والمُقبلين على درجتي الماجستير والدكتوراه في مختلف المجالات، وللحصول على خدمات البحث العلمي والترجمة يمكن الاستعانة بشركة دراسة للبحث العلمي والترجمة أو التواصل معهم من خلال الآتي:
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