طلب خدمة


The Influence of Parent-Teacher Interaction on Pupils’ Academic Achievement in Saudi Arabia

2023/01/09   الكاتب :مرام عمرو المغاميسي
عدد المشاهدات(521)





The study aimed to explore the extent to which parent-teacher interactions affect the academic achievement of students in secondary schools in Saudi Arabia with the use of the Ginsberg and Hermann-Ginsberg tool containing 29 questions with a four-point ranking scale and 11 open ended questions. This tool was administered to 84 teachers in three secondary schools. Data analysis was conducted with the use of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics were used for demographic variables and frequency analysis of scale items while inferential statistics were presented for correlation analysis and one-way analysis of variance between student academic achievement and the five interaction variables. The study found out that there was no significant correlation between academic achievement and the five interaction variables. These are interaction methods, interaction strategies, interaction contents, response time, and teacher’s disposition; however, there were significant correlations among the interaction variables. Telephone and face to face interaction were the most cited interaction methods, while varying interaction strategies were used with different kinds of parents. Interaction contents revealed that parents and teachers do not only discuss school-related topics, while different response times were found out depending on the issues such as cheating or misbehaviour. Majority of the participants were positive towards planned parent-teacher conferences.




وفي الختام يمكنكم تحميل النص الكامل للبحث من خلال الضغط: تحميل النص الكامل



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  • الايميل التالي: [email protected]  
  • التواصل عبر الواتساب على الرقم: 00966560972772



للاطلاع على مزيد من الخدمات المميزة: أضغط هنا





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