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The study aimed to evaluate video tutorials of the electronic channel “Ein Dross” to identify the degree of inclusion, distribution, and compatibility of the general standards of design and production of video tutorials. The descriptive content analysis was used. The sample contained 63% of the total number of logute Arabic language educational video tutorials. These video tutorials were published in the period from 2015-2016 for Saudi 1st grade students. A list of criteria proposed by the researchers (al-Fayez, Asiri) in 2019 to evaluate the video tutorial on social networking sites was used. The sample was evaluated by two evaluators. The study revealed that there is no compatibility between the observed frequencies of the general standards of evaluation and the expected frequencies in the sample. In addition, the study showed that the general standards of evaluation were distributed in a way that it loses its balance. The findings showed that the standards of (goals, personality traits, texts, content elements and motivational activities) in the videos seen as expected where they were within the range [-2.2]. While the standards of (content presentation and intellectual rights) were significantly seen higher than expected. The standards of (title, voice, final produce, shooting footage, lighting, and duration) were significantly lower than expected in the sample videos. (Published abstract)

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خدمة توفير المراجع وتلخيص الدراسات السابقة

يتم تقديم الخدمة عن طريق توفير قائمة عربية وأخرى أجنبية مترجمة مجاناً تشمل:

  1. مراجع أجنبية على سبيل المثال عناوين رسائل ماجستير أجنبية حديثة
  2. مراجع أجنبية على سبيل المثال عناوين رسائل دكتوراه أجنبية حديثة
  3. مراجع أجنبية على سبيل المثال عناوين أبحاث أجنبية محكمة

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خدمة توفير المراجع وتلخيص الدراسات السابقة



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معروف المركز السعودي للأعمال المرصد العربي للترجمة المنظمة العربية للتربية والثقافة والعلوم هيئة الأدب والنشر والترجمة

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