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أحدث المقالات

How to identify research Gap?

2023/02/11   الكاتب : د. بدر الغامدي Research gaps are areas of research that have not been adequately explored or studied. Identifying research gaps is an important part of the research process
التفاصيل عدد المشاهدات (845)

what is previous study in research

2023/01/26   الكاتب : د. طارق العفيفي Previous studies are an important part of research. They provide a foundation for current research and can help researchers understand the current state of knowledge in a particular field. Previous studies can also provide insight into potential areas of further exploration and help researchers identify gaps in the literature.
التفاصيل عدد المشاهدات (2145)


أحدث المقالات

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